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Why Start a Food Blog?

Mental Health : There is something really therapeutic to me about writing and creating. I enjoy searching through my mind to trying to find the right words to convey an idea or a belief. Cooking often feels this way too… trying to find the right additional ingredient to take the flavor of the dish to a new level. Historically I have been a “print out the recipe and add it to your recipe binder” kind of girl, and it seemed like now was a good time as any to upgrade my old fashioned ways and create a site that I can use to catalog the recipes we enjoy… and share them with others!

Community : I have always been so appreciative of the people who take the time to share their recipes online. Not only does it take time and effort to get everything typed out and the photos to look delicious, but I think it also takes some courage to put yourself out there and be like “I think this tastes good!” Too often I see comments on blogs where people are posting condescending remarks about salt content, or the right way to cook asparagus… and I just want to be like “chill out, its just a vegetable.” So I hope that starting this blog will introduce me (and connect me) with other people who are interested in recipe sharing, trying new things… and most of all, eating delicious food.

Laziness: If I haven’t made it clear yet, a big part of this blog stemmed from my laziness. It pains me when I find a really good recipe, that I have to scroll through multiple banner ads, pop ups, and often a multi paragraph story of “why this recipe is great” or how “grandma Ethel brought it with her when she immigrated to the US in the 1800’s.” Don’t get me wrong, sometimes the stories are the best part about a recipe… but could we agree to put those at the end of the recipe? After complaining to my husband about how difficult it was to find the actual steps of the recipe amongst a sea of other text, I finally came to the conclusion… I’ll just do it myself.

My Husband Thinks I Need a Hobby: Its true… and while I don’t always listen to him, I think he was spot on here. After I graduated with my Masters degree, it was all work, all the time (and to be honest, it kind of still is.) For some reason I have not been able to find something that sticks. I can’t knit, I’m not artistic, I am a horrible gardener, I’m not overly keen on hiking, and I think my athletic days are behind me. I like working, cleaning, and hanging out with the dogs. For the most part I enjoy cooking - but its really only because the end product involves eating food (and usually a glass of wine.) So here we go, a new hobby… my very first blog.

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